Product Detail

Machine for making organic fertilizer granules

Capacidad: (T/H): 6-8 t/h
Tamaño de partícula de materia: 0.3-0.5
Potencia: KW: 167 kw
Modelo: KHL-800

Machine for making organic fertilizer granules

Machine for making organic fertilizer granules

The series of granule machines can make the following raw materials into granules :

1. Turfs, lignite, sludge, pond sludge,Sucrose slag,starch pulp as materials can be made into granules;

2. Chicken manure ,duck manure , pig manure , sheep dung , deer manure ,cow dung and earthworm cast as materials can be made into granules ;

3. Bean cakes ,Vinasse slag, Biogas residue , Fruit residue ,palm oil residue as the main materials can be made into granules;

4. Residues of urban rubbish or sewage treatment plants as materials can be made into granules.

5. Organic materials mix with mineral materials .

Machine for making organic fertilizer granulesMachine for making organic fertilizer granulesMachine for making organic fertilizer granules

organic fertilizer granular